Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Weekend Winter Wonderland

What a dramatic weekend we had! Sometime Saturday afternoon, our sprinkler system in the backyard went on. At first, I thought my little man of mischief, Henry, turned a switch but he adamently denied it. I tried and tried to locate the systems power but the breaker for it was off and I was at a loss. I was hoping Jason would call from Afghanistan to help me but of course, this is the weekend he decides not to call until Monday!

Now, realize that it is freezing here and after a few short hours, my backyard became a winter wonderland with icicles dripping off the rose bush, the swingset, the hedges, the cars and little drops of water froze all over the yard. By the time Jason called, our yard looked like this pic.

Finally, he called and helped me discover the problem. It was NOT Henry's doing (this time!) but rather a bad switch that broke. I had to turn the water off at the valve and turn off the pump. It's finally off (of course, my neighbors all stopped by to let me know my sprinkler was on...yes, thank you, I know!) and it is slowly melting and the yard is back to normal. It was quite beautiful but I was stressed!

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